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Grow for Health

we have some news for you. Inspired by our fellow growers at Narrowboat Farm, we are calling all Winchburgh residents to join us on our new project: 'Grow for Health'
Unable to meet you around our planters and plant together, we are encouraging you to plant in your backgarden. That's right, let's grow food in our garden!
We have seeds and we have some soil (not a lot) and we are prepared to share with you, if you wish to grow food in your garden.
Seeds: potatoes, carrots, turnips, courgette, leeks, beetroot, strawberries, radish, tomatoes, onions, peppers, coriander, peppers, spinach, aubergine, beans, cauliflower.
If you are interested in 'growing for health', please complete the form below to order non contact delivery!

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Adopt a tree...

Limited Availability

we had to postpone our plan to plant 420 trees at Auldcathie Park due to the Corona outbreak.
We will reschedule this once we know more, but in the meantime, we need you! Anyone would be willing to adopt one of our trees? They are very small, but desperate for some love, water and sun. Who is up for it?
We have Hawthorns, Birch, Hazel, Oak, Blackthorn. It would be a great task for the children who are at home right now, why not adopt one tree per child and they can identify the difference between each tree? They could name the trees and once we are ready to plant them in the park, they could come and plant their little trees?
PLEASE DROP US AN EMAIL (admin@Winchburghcgg.co.uk) and let us know if you would like to adopt a tree and we will make sure they will be dropped off at your door. Thank you little 'tree huggers'!


Quite a few questions coming through. The trees come pre potted in a big enough pot. The must be kept outdoors in original pots. The name of the tree and its unique ID are marked on the pot. When it comes to planting out the ID will be only on the tree and you can follow your tree for years to come s it grows.

#OneWinchurgh #GreenWinchburgh 

Tree not arrived?  Don't worry we are working hard to get all the trees left at your door but we have a backlog!
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