| Planter Sponsors |

Sponsored Planters
"Growing plenty together - Throughout 2020"
Food grown locally - with local support
Thanks to all the local businesses helping Winchburgh Community Growing Group grow and invest in future project across the village.  Simply click on a Sponsor business name below to find the sponsored planter!
Num Location Sponsor Growing
8 Planter Avenue Brodies Bistro Chives
7 Planter Avenue Winchburgh Developments Strawberries
6 Planter Avenue Wee Molly's Pals Parsley / Dill
5 Planter Avenue Eliminate Solutions Rhubarb
1 Planter Avenue Tots Play Strawberries
2 Planter Avenue Willow Dog Groomers Blueberries
3 Planter Avenue bexbox Parsley / Onion / Courgette
4 Planter Avenue Sutherland Podiatry & Therapy Lemon Balm / Lavender

Are you a local business wanting to sponsor a planter? We are now taking orders to add a carved wooded sign, light up sign and add local businesses to this list - email admin@WinchburghCGG.co.uk to find out more!

Brodies Bistro / Winchburgh Cafe
Brodie's Bistro is Planter number 8 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Chives

Wee Molly's Pals - Pet Services
  • Slide title

    Parley and Dill - Barking Mad!

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    Launching with Wee Molly and Pals Coco, Rosa, Winnie and Tim!

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    Fresh Herbs growing - Plenty for 2020!

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    Wee Molly's Pals Wooden Carved Logo

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    Not to be kept in the Shadow on a sunny afternoon!

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    Scan the QR code to visit www.WeeMollysPals.com

Wee Molly's Pals is Planter number 6 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Parsley & Dill (with inter planted Onions and a Strawberry tray)

Winchburgh Developments
Winchburgh Developments LTD is Planter number 7 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Strawberries

Eliminate Solutions
Eliminate Solutions LTD is Planter number 5 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Rhubarb

TOTS Play 
Baby and Toddler Classes
TOTS Play Baby and Toddler Classes is Planter number 1 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Strawberries

Willow Dog Groomers
Willow Dog Groomer is Planter number 2 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Blueberries & Strawberries

Book your dog grooming appointment now on Facebook

bexbox is Planter number 3 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Parsley / Onion / Courgette

Checkout the bexbox website or facebook

"Freshly cooked daily and delivered hot to your home on the days you have chosen."

Sutherland Podiatry & Therapy
Sutherland Podiatry & Therapy is Planter number 5 - located on the Bellway Path 'Planter Avenue' 
Produce: Soothing Lemon Balm & edible Lavandula 

Checkout the Sutherland Podiatry & Therapy website or facebook

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